Why it matters: CBD has become a mainstream ingredient and wellness tool, and more businesses are finding innovative ways to incorporate it into their products. Lavender Coffee Boutique has introduced CBD-infused coffee, which provides a unique blend of calm focus and better sleep, and will offer a brick-and-mortar store that sells a curated selection of CBD products, including gummies, tea and body care products.
What they are saying: Lindsey Sozio, founder of Lavender Coffee Boutique, explains that CBD-infused coffee is a great way for consumers to incorporate CBD into their daily routine and takes away the inconvenience of remembering to take an additional supplement or gummy. Sozio and her husband experimented with CBD-infused coffee and found that it helps increase productivity and calm, as well as promotes better sleep.
The big picture: CBD has found its way into mainstream consciousness and is increasingly being used as a central ingredient in many products. The growing trend of CBD-infused products in various categories such as beverages, food, cosmetics and more illustrates the acceptance of CBD in a multitude of markets.
What to watch: Lavender Coffee Boutique’s opening of its retail storefront, located in Denver, is slated for later in 2023. The store will not only serve as a CBD shop, but also serve as a comfortable space for coffee drinkers and CBD novices to learn more about the benefits and effects of CBD.
My take: Lavender Coffee Boutique’s incorporation of CBD-infused coffee and CBD products is a great example of how CBD is becoming more widely recognized and accepted across various industries. As CBD gains more attention and validity, it’s likely that we will see an increase in companies incorporating this ingredient into new and innovative products.